
View/listen to our series on
the life of David:

"Life Verses"

Senior Pastor Young Ho Hwang is is taking us through Life Verses this summer where we will commit them  to memory and have them for life!
We will meditate on each verse through personal study during the week, then together gain a deep understanding of the verse from Pastor Young's teaching on Sunday morning.
All welcome. Join us.

Our Sermon from this past Sunday is directly below.

Sermon: "God Is Faithful" 
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Pastor Young Ho Hwang continues with his sermon series for the summer on Life Verses. Verses to commit to memory and to have for life, preaching from 1 Corinthians 10:13. Temptation is inevitable. It seizes our heart through deception and can bring us into utter darkness. However, God searches our heart and knows our thoughts. Therefore, we must guard our heart through His Word in advance preparation to temptation. Look to God in the midst of temptation for He is faithful, He loves us, and will provide a way out.

Sermon Notes

Sermon Notes:  1 Corinthians 10:13

This Week's Life Verse - Week of 7/21/24

Philippians 1:21