
Go and make disciples of all nations...

Matthew 28:19

The Great Commission - Matthew 28:18-20
 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I will be  with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Active Missionaries


Meet Our Wonderful Missionaries

Plator and Nicole Collaku

Open Air Campaigners  
Libonik, Albania
Plator pastors churches in the Libonik area and is actively involved in many evangelistic outreaches in the surrounding villages. His and Nicole's goals are to disciple, train and build leadership to support local ministry and church plants in other villages.

Holger and Zhenka Dashi

Ian and Caralee Loring

Open Air Campaigners  
Korce, Albania
Holger is the preaching and teaching pastor of the Korce Church. He also helps plant other churches in that region. Zhenka is the Director of the Children’s Ministry.
Open Air Campaigners  
United Kingdom and Albania
Ian and Caralee Loring entered Albania just before the fall of communism and served there for over 30 years, helping to plant many churches and different ministries.

They are now working alongside a few aging and ailing UK churches to bring renewal and revitalization. They also serve on a church planting team. Ian and Caralee hope to minister to both the UK and Albanian churches  over the next few years. 

John and Susan Edwards

SEND International
Sendai, Japan
John and Susan are in the city of Obanazawa in Yamagata Prefecture. There is no established church in this small city. They are cooperating with Shion Christ Church in the neighboring town of Murayama and with the believers in Obanazawa to assist with evangelism in Obanazawa through service and proclamation of the gospel.

John and Susan also lead the D (Discipleship) House internship program for potential future missionaries. 

Cynthia Hagen

The Navigators
Colorado Springs, CO
As a leader on the People Resource Team, Cynthia contributes to international and domestic missionaries spiritual, emotional and relational health.

Dan and Jen Davis

Uganda, Africa
Dan is Regional Executive Officer for AIM’s Central region, focusing on church planting. He is working with 120 missionaries in South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Congo, CAR, and Chad.

Dan and Jen travel throughout and meet people in their local areas.

Juan and Nicole Pascua , Word of Life

Monte, Argentina
Juan is the Director of LCM (Local Church Ministry) for Word of Life Bible Institute, reaching Argentina's new generation of children and youth.

He trains over 500 people annually to help more than 90 local churches grow. Juan also directs Summer/Winter Camps, where 1,800-plus children and youth from Argentina attend. The third area of his ministry is bringing Christ into eight schools in Argentina.

Emily La Bianca

Shepherd's Staff—Berlin, Germany
Emily currently leads an anti-trafficking ministry called Alabaster Jar, which recently became a project of Samaritan’s Purse. The goal of the project is to reach women trapped in Berlin’s prostitution industry with the love of Jesus and provide them with vital resources & assistance.

Emily has a big heart for Eastern European women, many of whom are trafficked to Berlin, and her vision is to see many women freed from exploitation and transformed by the Gospel. 

Ted and Martha Barnett

Association of Evangelicals—Africa
As a Consultant for Leadership Development and Organizational Effectiveness, Ted works closely with the AEA Leadership Team to establish goals and plan seminars for strengthening Africa’s church; reach the unreached; ensure sound, Biblical, non- formal training for pastors across Africa for a healthy gospel-centered Church.  

As a MIPI ambassador, Martha trains and encourages the emerging African Leadership for Moms in Prayer International.  Based in Georgia, they travel regularly to Africa.

Ted and Martha are missionaries with Africa Inland Mission on loan to the Association of Evangelicals in Africa.

Chuck and Peggy Faroe

USA and Turkey
Chuck and Peggy are planting a church among Turkish immigrants. Chuck helps lead the Timothy Project, producing discipleship materials for use with Turks.

Peggy teaches ESL and shares the gospel. They are working with a Turkish church in New Jersey.

Dan Juster

A Ministry of Tikkun International
Daniel Juster was a charter member of Pascack Bible Church.  After graduation from Wheaton College and McCormick Theological Seminar, he was ordained in the Presbyterian Church.  He and his wife Patty, also a Wheaton graduate, were called into Jewish ministry in the United States.  Dan became one of the national leaders of the Messianic Jewish congregational movement.

They moved to Jerusalem, Israel in 2004 where they have been involved as elders and pastoring plus fostering a Bible School, while mentoring leaders in a congregational movement in Israel.

Mark and Jocelyn Scott

Cru-New Jersey
Mark and Jocelyn work on college campuses in New Jersey, helping students to wrestle with the claims of Christ at this key moment in their lives.

Mark leads a team focused on equipping students to bring the gospel to others around them and to follow Jesus faithfully through the challenges of the college years.

Jocelyn also contributes to Cru's national theological team, helping to create biblically sound internet content and Bible study training materials. 

Cathy Craig

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Upstate New York
As Upstate New York Area Ministry Director, Cathy’s vision is to see students and faculty transformed by Christ. She is leading the work on 20 campuses in upstate New York with a staff of eight and looking to expand to the remaining 80 campuses. 

Ernie and Judy Scalabrin

The Navigators
Greater NYC & NJ/NY
25 years leading local Navigators' Neighborhood ministry with the NYC Navigators team, bringing neighbors and families to Christ and discipling them.

Ernie and Judy also have an expanding and successful weekly Public School Bible Club teaching ministry, evangelizing and discipling grades K-12 in schools.

Phillip & Rebekah Watkins

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship - Greenville, NC
 Phillip and Rebekah are working to see college students’ lives transformed, world changers developed, and campuses renewed by building witnessing communities on campus. Phillip is working at University of North Carolina in Greensboro and Guilford Technical Community College.

Rebekah is serving as the project manager for the national Multiethnic Initiatives and Creative Labs team. 

The Hoving Home

Committed to helping women heal and rebuild their shattered lives through a loving community and Bible-based teaching that empower women to fulfill their God-given purposes.

Christian Overcomers

Garfield, NJ
A Christ-centered camp ministry where people with disabilities can experience Bible-based teaching and the love of the Lord through volunteers. These volunteers provide constant and compassionate outreach to meet each individual's physical, social and spiritual needs. They seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those they serve.

There are three weeklong camp programs at Spruce Lake in the Poconos each year and instrumental in creating lifelong friendships and a place of community in an inclusive setting.

Additional activities include a Summer Picnic, Christmas Dinner, Bible Studies, Candy Making, and meals together. 

Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center

Wayne, Hackensack, Paterson, NJ
Lighthouse is a faith-based, non-profit group that provides free, confidential services to lovingly guide and support women, men and teens facing unplanned pregnancies toward life-enhancing choices. Believing every life matters, Lighthouse brings God’s love to life in practical ways for under-resourced families and overwhelmed new parents.

Their services begin with an ultrasound to medically confirm pregnancy and continue with parenting preparation, relationship and marriage programs, and abortion recovery care rooted in Christ’s healing grace. To learn more: www.FriendsofLighthousePRC.org

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To serve God in ways that help unbelieving people living outside our immediate area to trust in Christ as their Savior.

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·  Short-Term Mission Trips
·  Special Missionary Projects  &  Emergency Needs
·  Missionary Visits to PBC

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Cynthia Hagen

John and Susan Edwards

The Hoving Home

Juan and Nicole Pascua
Monte, Argentina

Christian Overcomers Camp
August 2023

Emily La Bianca
Shepherd's Staff
Berlin, Germany



Brian and Ruth Clark

Africa Inland Mission  
Ted and Martha Barnett

Jersey Metro Cru
Mark & Jocelyn Scott